Printing since 1926

Uniamo carta e inchiostro, materia e tecnologie, professionisti e persone. È così che il lavoro di tutti i giorni dal 1926 è diventato un patrimonio italiano nel mondo della stampa. È possibile che uno dei nostri prodotti lo abbia sfogliato o toccato anche lei. Il calendario artistico, il libro del museo più famoso al mondo, il libro su cui studiava da bambino, l’enciclopedia su cui cercava tutto ciò che non sapeva, l’agenda su cui appuntava tutti i suoi impegni…

Our company conjugates artisanal excellence, for care and attention to detail, and industry, for dimensions e professionalism. Counting on our family of 80+ people, among masters of print, bookbinding artisans, prepress technicians, professional graphic designers, and logistics and sales staff

The scent of the ink imprinted on the paper, the smooth pages, the cover still rigid:

a new story begins with us every day

The pages of our history

The history of the Stamperia Artistica Nazionale takes its first steps in the baroque heart of Turin, to ride an entire century, survive a world war, change locations and addresses, adapt to the advent of new technologies, accept challenges, think in perspective and become today a reference point of excellence in the world of printing.

February 13, 1926
Il notaio Giulio Turbil firma l’atto di nascita della Stamperia Artistica Nazionale.
February 13, 1926
L’antica e prestigiosa professione del compositore a mano si evolve, la SAN avvia una profonda riqualificazione del personale e un doveroso rinnovamento degli impianti.
Nasce lo stabilimento di Trofarello, il nuovo indirizzo di un’azienda che sposa la massima efficienza produttiva interna e i più elevati standard qualitativi disponibili sul mercato.
Espansione all'estero e la collaborazione costante con clienti in Inghilterra, Francia, Svizzera, Germania e Belgio.
Aumenta l'offerta SAN con l'integrazione di un reparto di Stampa Digitale, più snello e veloce nel rispondere ad esigenze dell'ultimo secondo.
Il parco macchinari SAN vede l'ingresso di una nuova stampante off-set (KBA 164 L) aumentando la sua forza produttiva e la competitività nel mercato.

Our headquarters

10.000 sqm. of industrial craftsmanship

our values

Nowadays a lot is talked non the subject of company's values , to the point that the term itself seems emptied of its true meaning, but having values is what has allowed a company like ours to go through a century of history. It is people and their choices that make the difference and our professionalism translates into a single definition: we believe in the value of what we do and in the people who work every day to ensure that the National Artistic Printing Company continues to establish itself as a point of international reference  


Sustainability is today an indispensable pillar for a company, but we have always been committed to rigorously respecting environmental protection regulations, conforming our company to European standards and raising awareness of supplier collaborators

Precisely for this reason, in the design of the new Trofarello plant, particular attention was paid to environmental sustainability and energy saving: we combined the production needs of a large modern lithographic-type settlement with a flexible and ecological centralized plant


Automatic collection and compaction of bookbinding waste: The trimmings automatically aspirated and conveyed inside a double compaction system with stationary presses, and from here led to the pulping for recycling

Treatment of glue powders: binding powders and paperback glue vapors are treated with special certified filtering systems, to minimize the impact of processing on the environment 

Automatic collection of used liquids and solvents: the development solutions and the washing solvents of the machines are collected in special tanks by automatic pump systems, and from here sent to the specific ecological disposal

Abundance of green areas and pavement quality: the more than 3,000 square meters of green lawn areas are planted with 30 tall trees and embellished with hedges and flowering bushes. In addition to being an aesthetic value for the establishment, the gardens contribute to the control of temperature and humidity. To improve the absorption of rainwater by the ground, the external areas are paved with drainage concrete screeds


Our vision of the future and our business objectives are linked by the idea of the world that we want to help create tomorrow. For this we have decided to adopt a management green of internal processes. Printing in an eco-sustainable way is a challenge that we face also thanks to partnerships with the most important international organizations committed to safeguarding the environmental heritage. Having obtained prestigious certifications on the subject is for us a source of pride and appreciation from our customers

certificazione FSC Forest for everyone

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